
Chemworld is a Intermediates Supplier in India. Our range of highly trusted Intermediates is considered as one of the best range of available in marketplace. We are proud to be counted amongst India's top Dyes Intermediates suppliers. Our complete range of Intermediates has been warmly accepted by all our global clients.

O.NC.B Monoethyl Amine 2:4 D.N.C.B
O.C.A M.M.A. 3:4 D.C.A.
O.A. E.B.A. Acetyle M.P.D.S.A.
3:3 D.C.B. E.B.A.S.A. M.P.D.D.S.A
P.N.C.B. Resist Solt 6 CAPSA
P.N.A. Metanilic Acid Bordeaux GP
P.C.A. Aniline 2:5 Di Sul Acid Die Methyl Aniline (DMA)
P.A. 2:5 D.C.A. Di Ethyle Meta Touidine (DEMT)
P.P.D.A. 2:4 D.C.A. D.M.S.
DASA Peri Acid F.C. Acid
D.N.C.B. Laurant Acid Meta Uriedo Aniline (M.U.A.)
D.N.A. 2:2 BDSA O.B.S.A.
M.P.D. OCPNA Ortho Toluidine (OT)
M.P.D.S.A. PCONA Pera Toluidine (PT)
2 N.A.D.P.S.A. 1:3 S.P.M.P. S.P.C.P.
4 N.A.D.P.S.A. 1:4 S.P.M.P. Blue. B base
4 NAP P.M.P. G. Salt
4 CAP 2:5 DCPMP Gama Acid
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